Imgui change font size github. ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, .


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Imgui change font size github. brendanzab mentioned this issue on Apr 23, 2016. Back-ends: imgui_impl_SDL2. What API should I Open HxD and drag n' drop a your font file (. This worked well until a few revisions ago (probably a change yesterday). cpp + imgui_impl_opengl3. h (if updated, and I think freetype or at least a fork of it supports SDF generation as well) has support for single channel SDF bitmap generation. For <4k resolutions and “small sizes” this is rather noticeable. Some of my app users claim to have the font look strange as in the attached screenshot, I suspect it has to do with some transparency issue. Fonts->GetGlyphRangesChineseFull()); The text was updated successfully, but these errors okay never mind, i fixed it, by peeking into the TreeNodeBehavior and changing the ImRect size x. Icon header provided by IconFontCppHeaders; Font binary generated using ImGui binary_to_compressed_c; Built using ImGui DirectX11 Example; How to Update Font Files. FramePadding, bb. local FONT_NAME = "NotoSansSC-Regular. y += (text_font_size - icon_font_size) * 0. the following dialog (Python via pyimgui, sorry, hopefully you get the idea): with imgui. f font size. Optionally ignore text after a ## marker. It's a fixed-width font which really looks like some 'programmer's art', that. Push(0x0020); defaultranges. cpp Compiler: Cmake Operating System: Ubuntu 20. That is, create a set of pre-docked windows within a main window. I am working on a login interface, but the input box for the account and password is too small for me. The default is ItemWidth = WindowWidth * 0. In this example, we'll decompress the image into RGBA a image. ocornut closed this as completed on Jan 25, 2018. Use SetCursorPos* () functions to position the draw cursor. It'll be fine after a full run of the main loop, but the first time, when we calculate the tab's content width, TabItemCalcSize will return 0, because g. For composed widget that are followed by a label you can use PushItemWidth () at the moment. Fonts-> AddFontFromFileTTF ("anotherfont. But I don’t have a variable in the code called font_data_size to which I pass 0. a43212b. Here is my Still doesn't work. calculate size of a displayed text string). lua (We can use this to make our windows with style!) ImGui::Text("hello 菜单 在哪 里文件 我是中文a"); If I delete an "a" at the end of the Chinese characters, the compiler will say there is something wrong with this line, seems like missing bracket ')'. ttf", 24. It took me a while to figure out why loading a font with AddFontFromMemoryTTF crashed but AddFontFromFileTTF worked ok with the same data. Here's a typical entry in the loop; edited. Turning off antialiasing in imgui Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies - Issues · ocornut/imgui . I would like to make it green, help or tips are appre Whenever I inject ImGui it instant crashes. ocornut closed this as Hello, After adding it noticed that the Dummy changes size. 👍 4. Sounds like your question is a A set of header files and classes for using icon fonts in C, C++, C#, Python, Rust and Go, along with the python generator used to create the files. Double-clicking on a lower-right corner also fit the window. My Issue/Question: I have t Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies - Releases · ocornut/imgui Recently while making something I came across something were I wanted to change the font, in the process I have came up with an idea of how to do it but for some reason it will not change the font and stays the default font. I'm not sure how to determine the glyph range and best way to call it. Depending on whether border size is 0 or non 0, these are the effects I'm seeing. and 3. (introduced in 205874f). But, it`s ok as below. 65. ButtonTextAlign, &bb); I can use wrap text like is shown in the picture, this but it's not centered. Somehow when the border is non 0 whatever I draw in the child is not drawn on the left and right side - equal in size to the padding - while top and bottom are unaffected. Image which as far as I'm aware, shouldn't be producing the With the current system of baking full ranges into a texture atlas, if I load a test font at 18 px size with full Chinese range + default oversampling setting, I get a 4096x4096 texture. Hello, i'm a developer at Blitz App, we use ImGUI to draw our overlay, recently we've been having issues with resolutions. Copy link Owner. Text can be multi-line. For now, If you PushItemWidth (100) you'll get a frame 100 pixels wide. Text("Hello,你好 world!"); The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. But I've found nothing like that. (e. So e. Since it's low level. Is the functionnality implemented ? Thanks for your help, Catvert. y with screen size). Note: Colorizing text editor for ImGui. here and the example code in imgui_demo. Image I've used ImFontConfig::GlyphOffset (using floats for fine tuned alignment) to align an in-house custom icon font (generated by IcoMoon) and a general typography font (Sintony from Google) merged at a size of 16. ImGui::End(); how to handle size change of created window? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. I don't know how this works, though. ttf", size_pixels); ImFont * font2 = io. c++ and styles. You can use Metrics->Fonts to browse the font contents. cfg. You can build the font atlas and associated data before ImGui::NewFrame using ImFontAtlas::Build, but ImGui::CalcTextSize still won't work as it relies on other state in ImGuiContext to be set up by NewFrame. Fonts->IsBuilt() && "Font Atlas not built! Operating System: MacOS Monterey. x Hello, The title bar height is FontSize + FramePadding. in that the text will automatically resize itself to be as large as possible while still being able to fit inside the content region, instead of being a fixed size. I think it is hard to use, so I want to know whether I also use ImGui::PopStyleColor() before pushing a new color if one was pushed before. sparlund mentioned this issue on Mar 28, 2020. Development. Reload to refresh your session. fix wordwrap bug. However, if you dissect that screenshot you’ll find there aren’t that many custom widgets in there: - Using icons, images + varying fonts color and size can already get you half way with having a nice looking You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them. What you need is to increase resolution of generated font atlas. ImGui. XAdvance = (signed short) (pc. Screenshots/Video This guide will have us load an image file from disk and display it in a Dear ImGui window. Instead, I need to provide a color to the Label itself (not to the text inside the Label). Merge three fonts: io. I am trying to render text onto the screen. I have two files, main. Fonts->AddFontDefault(); Load . If your engine supports multiple platforms, consider using more of the imgui_impl_xxxx files instead of rewriting them: this will be less work for you and Size and spacing of the tabs adjusts automatically to font sizes, number of tabs, etc. Download from webfonts FontAwesome . It won't work perfectly until we switch to a dynamic atlas for fonts and rasterize fonts when needed. OversampleV = 3; If i change this setting to 100% the imgui_bundle programs work correctly. . config when running a 32bit app like vkcube, glxspheres on a 64-bit system crashes the app. Stack trace suggests IMGUI attempting to free the memory the font occupies. Fonts -> AddFontFromFileTTF ( "anotherfont. It should be forward compatible, as it extends ImGui by using the imgui_user. As expected, fontSans You signed in with another tab or window. If you want a manually resizeable window you can adjust how much is taken by the widget and how much is left to the label. So need to Prefer to express values as multiple of reference values such as ImGui::GetFontSize() or ImGui::GetFrameHeight(). I am trying to create selectables similar to what unity has in their Hierarchy window (and many other progams such as file browsers) where you can select a game object once and it will highlight and then if you You are passing a value of 0 for font_data_size and it is asserting because of that. imgui/imgui_widgets. However, if those are nullptr (i. I tried other fonts such as RobotoMono it looks nicer than the default font at different sizes but still looks quite blurry. kmcgurty added a commit to kmcgurty/imgui that referenced this issue on May 24, 2021. The first function Here is function handling base85 conversion from ImGui: ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(const char* Here is one of possible examples for glfw: win_w, win_h = glfw. Contribute to BalazsJako/ImGuiColorTextEdit development by creating an account on GitHub. ttf) with same size and it looks smaller then I expect (screenshot 2) Screenshots/Video There is notepad with "Debug" in the same font and font size as Dear ImGui in these screenshots. Here is a test script showing how I want it to work using my FlyWithLua fork on Github. You can adjust style. That's all good, I load my fonts 2x sized and do FontGlobalScale = 0. x * 2. OTF file with: ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); io. Manage code changes I am unable to change ColorEdit widget square size. fonts[titlebars] = fontBold20p; style. Skip to content. Closed. In this file. Allows for full localization among many other good things you'll find useful. Added comments about the right way to scale your UI. After that, either enter the path to your font in the Dear ImGui demo (and manual) Dear ImGui comes with a complete demo. NET's version is built against 1. The full source can be found at examples/03. ekmett added a commit to ekmett/vr that referenced this issue on Aug 26, 2016. Hello, i was trying to load a custom font, but the custom font is not loading (no errors). My second question is then, how does one specifically select that font size to be used? I do feel like I've missed an obvious thing here. ZERO), ImGui will just use the default font. I was trying to set up some text input boxes on very specifically sized character buffers and noticed that the buffers don't seem to be accepting as many bytes as I would expect: Am I just misunderstanding what the buffer size means with I was trying to set up some text input boxes on very specifically sized character buffers and noticed io. ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0)); Question: I'm trying to make a selection of the entire row and I have it in In this example DisplaySize is the screen size, let's say 800x600 and underlying framebuffer on retina is x2 so 1600x1200. For the nodes I can change font size and multiply all item sizes by a factor but I don't think that's viable. It also doesn't seem like an imgui::text("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); I mean I need multi font like one for Title and another for dialog and one for other things. Manage code changes Issues. Text wrapping in auto-resizing window (was: ossible modal bug / auto-resize) #778. ImGui::ImageButton () instead allows you Use the demo window to go the style editor and browse fonts to see if your font is load3; and how many fonts there are. remember cursor position, draw a widget*, record size, move cursor back, draw widget again. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. In this case you can use PushFont at the beginning of your frame to change the font, or you can register your font in a different place so it is the default font. Collaborate outside of code Explore ( notosanssc_bold_ttf_compressed_data, notosanssc_bold_ttf_compressed_size, 18. The drawback is that they aren't multicolor. Gallery: Post your screenshots / code here (PART 5) #1269. imgui_freetype with auto-hinting may also improve your rendering quality. Currently if a character already exist it doesn't overwrite it, may add the option later. 2 participants. 87. Fonts are this size are tricky to display right and we don't support RGB sub-pixel rendering. I want to create a window that borderless = true and resizable = true. FramePadding. 0 * hidpi_factor) as f32; imgui. otf" , size_pixels ); // Select font at runtime ImGui :: This is just hidden from the user in most occasions. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were Back-ends: imgui_impl_win32. ") when not fitting. NET (to be able to access internal functions) along with Silk. font_global_scale = (1. ocornut added the tables/columns label on May 1, 2017. 2/ We can provide styling options that are more flexible (e. 0f); return font; This will change the font for the first time. 0f, g. I can use ImGui::SetWindowFontScale() to size my fonts and give me different sizes depending on need. The reason for this is that with ImGuiConfigFlags_DpiEnableScaleFonts, the first frame won't have proper font sizes yet for those windows. h"; #include <string> #ifdef _WIN64 #define GWL_WNDPRO Apart from the two GUI libraries, I also have to handle text rendering for character dialogs, which may have different fonts & sizes than the GUI, and may need some effects such outlines. Call DebugTextEncoding(str) with your string containing an icon. However, as Dear ImGui is designed and optimized to create debug tools, the amount of skinning you can apply is limited. 0, 10. FontGlobalScale = 1. 6k. You can also use ItemWidth = -100; to align to the right side of a window. Anyway, thanks for Solved this offline. Iris can be used in any kind of Roblox UI, including PlayerGui, CoreGui, BillboardGui, SurfaceGui, and PluginGui. This issue seems to happen also on images, where transparent image (png) background is white instead of As you can see, I have a "for" loop, so I probably need to use PushID and PopID. I checked the internals, and it is implicitly calculated from current FontSize in. One possible workaround I was thinking of was patching ImGui to use a vector of textures for single font. Now ImGui::GetWindowSize() is returning several different sizes for even ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, <your color>); I can only change the font color of the text, in the LabelText. There are stuff of this kind in the imgui_internal. Currently I'm fetching ImGuiContext and changing FontSize directly while ColorEdit is handled. 88, but I believe Silk. This is how I add the font: ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImFontConfig config; config. Other Changes: Fonts: ImFontConfig::OversampleH now defaults to 2 instead of 3, since the quality increase is largely minimal. The original code uses a lot of fonts, which are tab_text1, tab_text2, ico_subtab, etc You can't just remove them and expect it to work. ImFont* TextFont = io. This means that to get shap fonts, at least with the current settings, you need to load the font at 2x the size, and then set ImGui::GetIO(). y * 2, so you can possibly use PushStyleVar (ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ) to alter the frame padding before Begin (), then restore a more proper value for your widget. Here is a link on how to do that: InputText() size is derived from the font size, style and your requested widget width. Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. y to fix vertical font alignment when merging multiple fonts so this seems like a good change from my point of view. My code is in C#. Lines 1226 to 1254 in 1ab63d9. (You will get generated C# code with a byte array reprensenting every This guide will have us load an image file from disk and display it in a Dear ImGui window. Upd. My engine has separated FontAtlas Texture and ImGui windows have separated FontAtlas Texture which is explained in the C++ code at bottom (paragraphs 2. Write better code with AI Code review. From the description of the bitmap only font: I also only used ImFontConfig. OversampleH = 3; config. get_framebuffer_size(window) font_scaling_factor = max(float(fb_w) / NULL THE ARRAY DATA NEEDS TO PERSIST AS LONG AS THE FONT IS ALIVE. Most components have their size derived from the size of size of the text + FramePadding, e. fontGroups [0] is for ImGui windows text, and when I change the font size of fontGroups [1] which is for my engine gui then there is a risk that the ImGui windows Contribute to abinash18/imgui-reduced-size development by creating an account on GitHub. However, as ImGui is designed and optimised to create debug tools, the amount of skinning you can apply is limited. I have loaded two fonts during initialization, fontSans and fontTitle. imgui_impl_win32. In imgui, it seems only several font glyph types High DPI changing handling. I simplified the code to not even load a font (commented out) and this is what gets ex You can alter the look of the interface to some degree: changing colors, sizes, padding, rounding, fonts. ocornut added style menus labels on Jan 12, 2018. There’s none no, and it require some comfortable understanding of both dear imgui and programming to make your way through it. Hello, is there any way of reducing the hovered effect, size of a TreeNode built in. You can do Fonts. If you pass one you can alter settings. ttf", 11); Manage code changes Issues. ocornut commented on Jan 2, 2020. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly ocornut commented on May 7, 2018. I noticed I was getting a SIGTRAP upon exiting my app, the culprit: a default font embedded within the app, loaded with AddFontFromMemoryTTF (). Max - style. By default characters of different sizes are aligned on their baseline. Btw there is a FontGlobalScale setting you can use BUT it doesn't affect the Padding fields. Push(0); // Set ranges and config for other fonts. There's definitively a need to support that sort The ImGui fonts are so good they basically totally replace the inbuilt fonts I use to use. Using imgui_freetype can noticeably improve rendering and you can do this today. I see @ocornut's answer above saying there isn't a clean way of doing so I though how about pre-multiplied alpha. lwiklendt mentioned this issue on Aug 22, 2020. ImGui::RenderTextClipped(bb. Just seeing if the community wanted it. ttf) and it looks fine (screenshot 1) And then I tried windows Segoe UI ( C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui. Instant dev environments Copilot. (This saves a LOT of time). No milestone. (you can modify the format if your want). 0. If you tell it to set the font for window 1 to number 5 is will set the font number 5 for window 2. cpp files. 90. I'm aware of the existing threads and issues, e. WINDOW_NO_COLLAPSE) You don't need to change your font size, which will screw your layout. Back-ends: imgui_impl_XXX. The min excludes the ASCII Thx to the nem0, paniq, adcox's distribute of imgui_dock, so the imgui_dock was able to auto save/load to/from the imgui. However note that if your code is using window size to size widgets then auto-fitting create a feedback Using Icon Fonts. 4k. 0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. I will add that to my todo list. If you want FA5 Regular showing when available and fallback to FA5 Solid, you want to merge Regular first then Solid. Anyway, I'll wait the official dpi examples. Recent 1. I appear to be on ImGui 1. Example Solution: Place font file under reframework/fonts. Maybe your font was loaded after the default font. Screenshots/Video. It clearly has something to do with the startup of the program, if I set scale to 100%, then start the demo_imgui_bundle, then set scale back to 150% the imgui_bundle program works correctly. However, I do not need to handle the font color. f, NULL, io. Texture resources (font atlas textures) are also need to reload. For example: Anyway use SetNextWindowSize() before Begin (): that's just what you need! IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowSize ( const ImVec2& size, ImGuiCond cond = 0 ); // set next window size. petrihakkinen commented on May 12, 2015. A common pattern is to merge the icon font within your main font, so you can embed icons directly from your strings without having to change fonts back and forth. Write better Basically I had to call SetNextWindowPos () at the frame after the one in which I called for the first time ImGui::OpenPopup () and ImGui::BeginPopupModal (). FramePadding - offset, label, NULL, &label_size, style. Automate any workflow Packages. I think there's something with rust's winit crate itself, because if I change the scale factor in OS settings, all the desktop elements are scaled, but the imgui stays the same. The default font at 13pt is so crisp and pixel perfect. Requires enabling IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE_LUNASVG along with IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE, and First, create a new ModuleScript instance inside ReplicatedStorage, lets call it "ImGui". jpg, 20,123 bytes) This is generally done in two steps: Load image from the disk into RAM. They need to be different font,different size and display in the same time. call something like. Stb_truetype, the underlying font rendering library, is simple and convenient, but not that great comparing to, say, FreeType's hinting rasterizer. (Krys was adding font with the Merge flags so they were all merged into the same font, so first set of glyph was choosen for regular text) ocornut closed this as completed on Dec 4, 2015. Using the vertical offset as in point 2) above solves the issue, not sure if this is an issue or an expected behavior. call before Begin() Just a little note: I've been trying to use a pixel font with CJK glyphs (so the size is quite big) but there's a "bitmap only" version of the font available that's less than a quarter of the size. CFont. NET. And then I tried windows Segoe UI (C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui. cpp Operating System: Windows 10. Loading Font Files: IMGUI allows you to load and use as many Any time I display a single line of text, no matter how many widgets I stack in a window, everything looks fine. FontSize) ImVec2 ImGui::CalcTextSize(const char* text, const char* text_end, bool hide_text_after_double_hash, float wrap_width) ImGui::CalcTextSize does not return the correct result when I am calculating the size of Version/Branch of Dear ImGui: 1. ocornut commented on Jul 9, 2015. 3, Branch: On the docking branch if an ImGui window has the flag ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize and is contained within the host window (the Windows window) then when the host window is moved up or left then the window auto size calculation jumps to a large size and then shrinks back down to the correct size over the I believe this is worth a flag in CalcTextSize, because both behaviors are correct, just doing different things (calculate size of a text fragment within a string vs. Now for my thought, it may be made by Out of the box I see two possible solutions: run a 'dry' frame where every widget you care about is rendered with it's default size, you can record it for use in next frame. cs) In your class with all of you ImGui code, you must create a context ocornut commented on May 9, 2022 via email. 3s, which is a massive improvement! But I don't know if restore_font_atlas is correct, at least from my computer it works perfectly. Width: whatever you set with ImGui::SetNextItemWidth() or calculated automatically. On a Retina display on macOS there is a pixel ratio of 2. Once receiving the WM_DPICHANGED message, reload fonts and resize style metrics according to DPI scaling. Do not forget to round font sizes as fractional font sizes are not supported and cause undesired side effects. Star 55. Text(@"Hello,你好 world!"); ImGui. Use. Sign in Product Actions. You may alter the spacing with e. EDIT: After trying the patch I can confirm that the text is now centered consistently vertically (even when scaling font size and ImFontConfig. int input_count = 0; char InputBuffer[2]; void ImGuiIO::AddInputCharacter(ImWchar c) {. // slider will be 65% of the window width (this is the default) ImGui::PushItemWidth (ImGui::GetWindowWidth() * 0. See Style Editor to understand how size affect widgets. instead of seeing a hardcoded height of 500 for a given item/window, you may want to use 30*ImGui::GetFontSize() instead. Copy everything from ImGui. Can you reskin the look of ImGui? You can alter the look of the interface to some degree: changing colors, sizes, padding, rounding, fonts. Notice that the ImVec2 you are passing is called size_on_first_use and rely on . But the value is only being inherited from an immediate parent (not the whole window set up to the root). // To scale your entire UI (e. The method you have shown (by changing font size and other) does not work. I started using icons for buttons but it was a pain to setup. GLFW_DECORATED specifies whether the windowed mode window will have window decorations such as a border, a close widget, etc. cpp Compiler: MSVC Operating System: Windows. otf" local FONT_SIZE = 18 local CHINESE_GLYPH_RANGES = {. It's not as great looking as 2-channel SDF generation, but by using it then someone can generate a single SDF font image that would look great at all sizes (though it would look edited. Host and Contribute to HasKha/imgui-fonts development by creating an account on GitHub. 74 WIP. ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ); / ImGui::PopStyleVar() like everywhere else. Fork 9. FontSize is 0 Other Changes: Fonts: ImFontConfig::OversampleH now defaults to 2 instead of 3, since the quality increase is largely minimal. Main. This is to validate that it has been rendered properly. Fonts Using a font: Inside the main loop, you can switch to another font by using the functions ImGui::PushFont(ImFont * pFont) and ImGui::PopFont(). The result never changed. Push(0x00FF); defaultranges. Back-ends: imgui_impl_glfw. GlyphOffset. cpp + imgui_impl_XXX. And after some test,found a dirty hack way for changing font once. Our font rendering is not as good as OS ones for two mains reasons (but not only that): - stb_truetype doesn’t handle font hinting. cpp + imgui_impl_dx11. Here is a test script showing how I want it to work using my Load default font with: ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); io. see ocornut#2313. Sponsor. When using the SDL_Renderer backend for SDL 2. The assert comes from an issue / limitation with the stack checker because it compares stack size at the boundaries of window Begin/End. ttf and call RedbuildFontAtlas again. ocornut commented Feb 4, 2017. otf", size_pixels); In your application loop, select Fonts-> AddFontFromFileTTF ("font. Pointer to a user-provided list of Unicode range (2 value per range, values are inclusive, Open HxD and drag n' drop a your font file (. Default::default() }), }]); The font must contain the character (or emoji) in the provided custom ranges. The default value is set to (0. 7s to load TTF and build, whereas loading the cache directly reduces it to 0. InputText height and placeholder font size · Issue #3585 · ocornut/imgui · GitHub. Yes and no. h API but they need wrapping to be used as a widget. Hello, Sorry it is isn't supported at the moment. You can see it in the Demo Window under Windows Options > Font. Example: The 'Quick Access' sidebar actually remembers what favorites were previously saved to it from previous runs of your application now, by saving the settings to a text file in a hidden configuration subfolder of your home folder. ImGui default to a 2048 pixel wide texture here. window_hint (glfw. TTF/. io (which is free to use), so that you do not even need a compiler. For the people like me. ). This creates another The preview text is a parameter of the BeginCombo() function so it is literally text that you are passing to it. 81 Branch: master Back-ends: imgui_impl_sdl. I know about the ImFont::CalcTextSizeA function, but there does not seem to be a function for wide strings. For example, you could write and run this code So I though I could just use the same font with slightly bigger size (the default size is 13). window. TexDesiredWidth = 8096; to manually set the texture width and then the height will be reduced and it may just work. Host and manage packages Security. You are using hardcoded character spacing constant: const int character_spacing_x = 1; and then, when building font glyphs: glyph. But the glyph ranges generally remain the same. Dynamically changing the number of tabs (removing/adding at any time) is also supported. mgood7123 changed the title implementing auto-size text implementing auto-size text and selectable text on Aug 26, 2021. All the AddFontxxx () functions now have a ImFontConfig* pointer. But then you are in charge of updating/maintaining the text placement. ocornut added the dpi label on Mar 6, 2023. You shouldn’t need to call Build() more than once at the end. cpp Compiler: MSVC Operating System: Windows 10. cpp + imgui_impl_win32. I've already trial and errored and realized it only ever happens when i increase font size above 9. 👍 12. ImFontAtlas / ImFont are designed so you can create your own atlas aside from the "main" one if for some reason you want multiple textures. Like Ocornut said you can pass it a font, size and position. Screenshots/Video Our application need to draw Chinese and Japenese text so the size of atlas texture is up to 16384x16384. Version: v1. I ended up writing a small function that adds icons to the default font by looking for PNG files in a certain directory. Annie-5393 started this conversation in Build/Link/Run/Fonts issues ONLY! Display Discrepancy in ImGUI: Font Size Issue with some fonts. float default_size = GetFrameHeight (); . This is where I realize I erroneously made an assumption about this call, ocornut commented on May 11, 2015. ItemSpacing. Those docked windows cannot themselves be dock targets for other windows. So I've been thinking of a font system supporting dynamic atlas for the whole game, but I don't have The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions ocornut added menus menu bars, menu items layout labels Aug 10, 2021 In this example we will load different TTF font files and use them to print text to a IMGUI window. You may use functions such as ImGui::Image(), ImGui::ImageButton() or lower-level ImDrawList::AddImage() to emit draw calls that will use your own textures. I'm struggling to create a default docking layout im combination with ImGui::DockSpaceOverViewport. On most platforms and when using C++, you should be able to use a combination of the imgui_impl_xxxx backends without modification (e. Fonts-> AddFontDefault (); // Add character ranges and merge into main font. My Issue/Question: I'm working on a custom UI that allows users to draw/paint on the screen. Improving nested scrolling regions behavior #830. ImFont* font = AddFontFromFileTTF ("somefont. h and imgui_user. ocornut added the layout label on Jun 28, 2022. E. I think we as users shouldn't concern ourselves with such low level implementation details. // CalcTextSize("") should return ImVec2(0. You can search on how to use addText function in the imgui_draw. If those fonts weren't initialized, (i. 04. ocornut added the popups label on Aug 15, 2017. Browse Fonts->Input 1 (Noto etc) in that debug window and see if the glyph is listed and visible. 5f. I kind of added a feature by peaking into the ImGui::TreeNodeBehaviour(); function and changing the following code: frame_bb. (my god) Yes, I can using "Windows Image Component" to scale the texture size, but this is not I want. Fonts->Clear(); + re-add fonts using a scaled size. WINDOW_ALWAYS_AUTO_RESIZE | imgui. And that color has to be different from the background color of the entire app. Notifications. x + style. ImGui, which provides the OpenGL backend. ImGuiCol_WindowBg is the window background. ttf' #7203. I tried to understand what is "special" about these users, but could not find a common factor. Is there a function that provides said functionality? ocornut commented on Jul 15, 2015. TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER, glfw. I can switch monitors / resize the window etc and the dpi is still correct. So if height goes over our limit it adds one more texture and we shouldn't hit the size limits on a single texture. The ImGui sample app shows how to use the in-built font scaling, but even at x2 the font becomes really blurry; is there any way around that? Fonts-> AddFontFromFileTTF ("font. You can PushFont () / PopFont () during rendering. My Issue/Question: Version: v1. Some 32bit wine applications didn't crash thou, even with these values. the height of a button is typically FontSize + style. So you can use CalcTextSize(preview_text). If I do it, all the glyphs will become mosaic. Each header contains defines for one font, with each icon code point defined as ICON_*, along with the min, max and max 16 bit code points for font loading purposes. Font scaling is currently a large can of worm in dear imgui land. My Issue/Question: When we load a Unicode font TTF file using AddFontFromFileTTF(GetGlyphRangesChinese), the program creates a texture with a full set of Chinese characters, which consumes 200+MB memory only for displaying fonts, Short explanation: Refer to Image Loading and Displaying Examples on the Wiki. DiligentTools\ThirdParty\imgui\imgui_draw. Line 5236 in 5789e69. I tried all the possible combinations but it always resulted in buttons randomly acting like others (for exemple : the jump key button of the third player launch the level editor as the "Editor" button only should do !). Maybe you just have deleted your . Using an icon font (such as FontAwesome or OpenFontIcons) is an easy and practical way to use icons in your Dear ImGui application. Any help. My question is how I can properly set menu size? I use SetNextWindowSize for that but when menu is not open this setting works for next window. I don't think it'll help the C++ people, but I I tried it with the default UV values, same result, and also (without any idea what else I could do anymore) with the image size itself, like in the few lines of code I wrote above. There's no concept or feature of background color for text. Back-ends: imgui_impl_win32. I don't think seguibl. xadvance + character_spacing_x); That makes text blocks looks too spare. My Issue/Question: I try to render Font Awesome 6 Pro icons using a ImDrawList, and its only drawn sharp if I use 13. Most of the dialog is customizable via environment It's possible to make it more bold, if you use the imgui_freetype code (but you need to setup freetype in your project and it's some work). ini file when updating and that's why it doesn't come up at the right size. Example: 'Zapfino. What we are currently missing is a public-facing helper function to display Text using an ellipsis (". eliasdaler mentioned this issue on Mar 20, 2021. Fonts If you tell it to set the font for window 1 to number 5 is will set the font number 5 for window 2. 👍 1. When using ImGui, this info is stored inside ImGui::GetDrawData()→FramebufferScale. set axis to 0. 81. 🎉 3. ocornut closed this as completed on Jan 18, 2015. (You will get generated C# code with a byte array reprensenting every byte in your font file) Copy the whole array variable and paste it in a static class preferably. if you want your app to use High DPI or generally be DPI aware) you may use this helper function. Screenshot 1 (text in notepad is a bit bigger): Screenshot 2 (text in notepad is much restore_font_atlas (cache); By testing, it takes 1. You can load both fonts. DifferentFonts/main. PS: Please fill the Issue Template as requested next time you open an issue, thank you. Depending on your use case, you may draw a filled rectangle with the ImDrawList API before the text, which is simple if you have single line blocks of text. What if we could just do: ImGui::GetIO (). But if I have a single multi-line text block the second, fourth, and successive even-numbered lines of text will appear blurry. PS. I suggest that you add a flag Milestone. My question is specifically about using ImGui::DockSpaceOverViewport. cpp AddFontFromMemoryTTF does but with config. otf", size_pixels); // In application loop: select font at runtime ImGui::Text("Hello"); // use the default font (which is the first loaded font) ImGui::PushFont(font2); ImGui::Text("Hello with another font"); ImGui::PopFont(); As I was on an open source project to make some But if the user resizes the window then I need to remove the font and add a new one with the correct size. x = window->WorkRect. ttf", size_in_pixels); io. The AA branch now support this with the new ImFontConfig* settings. Dear ImGui Version 1. Max. Dummy() submit an item and items are vertically separated by style. : I use SetNextWindowSizeConstraints for temporary hack, but maybe there is The RPi GPU has a limit of 2048x2048 sized textures & that isn't enough for 22K characters on a single texture. Collaborate outside of code Explore Display Discrepancy in ImGUI: Font Size Issue with some fonts. In order to adapt to more devices, I did not set the size of the window, just let it be in the middle of the window. FontDefault = ImGui::GetIO(). Requires enabling IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE_LUNASVG along with IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE, and The reason why we cannot type Chinese is we disabled the Unicode. ini. I. No external dependences are needed. No ImGui changes required, you can do all of this in your application. You will need to build and combine multiple fonts. h" #include "styles. Min + offset + style. search for AddFontDefault. So when you hover over a tree node it fills in the complete region available with the hover effect. ocornut added the font/text label on Feb 16, 2023. ImGui + FontAwesome Example. Long story short: The ImGUI window looks perfect on from imgui_bundle import imgui, hello_imgui, ImVec4 import glfw # Always import glfw after imgui_bundle def gui (): imgui. 0f to get a suitable width. After doing much research, I understood that in order to load a font at runtime, I must do it before the call to ImGui::NewFrame() which is what I do. Then one Chinese character will be split into two chars. There are other way around but not necessarily easy to setup. If your icon font size is smaller than your text font size, add an offest when merging: e. This never happened to 64bit apps, only to 32bit ones and only for some specific values, in my case, between 20 and 23. ocornut mentioned this issue on Aug 5, 2017. However, with other sizes, the font doesn't look as good. png so I ocornut mentioned this issue on Jun 23, 2020. Standalone, minimal, complete and verifiable example: (see #2261) The font I am using is Manage code changes Issues. So I think imgui can add support of multi atlas textures in the future. 77 WIP Branch: from latest master of ofxImGui I am trying to figure out a way to scale up the tabs in my app without sizing up the font. But I'd like to bake the same font in to my ImGui app with 2 or 3 different sizes so I can pick which is most appropriate for the required task. text color change, styles that don't even have a separator). It works fine, but then I began wondering whether docking can be used for the same purpose. As I said before, wrapping ImGui::Checkbox() into Push/PopStyleVar/Color doesn't help to achieve desired checkbox size. It's been a little annoying in several other situations, would like to improve it without completely removing it. Toggle navigation. 5f) = centered (default for buttons) 👍 9. Some complie errors may ocornut changed the title Post your screenshots / code here (PART 3) Gallery: Post your screenshots / code here (PART 3) on Jun 2, 2017. I searched through the code examples for PushFont()/PopFont() and The misalignment is introduced only when merging the 2 fonts, probably due to the different value of Descent (-1 and -5) computed for the 2 fonts independently - not sure how this value is computed. Version/Branch of Dear ImGui: Version: 1. To create custom behavior with regards to coloring the button, you can copy the contents of ButtonEx() into a new function in your own file (don't need to modify imgui. tff file; Download (or generate) updated headers from AidanSun05 commented on Sep 5, 2021. My Issue/Question: I would like to be able to add additional spacing to lines rendered from fonts. In ImGui it seems that I have to reload the font from the ttf file whenever I want to change the font size. You can however use ImFont::CalcTextSizeA instead, which is slightly different from ImGui::CalcTextSize but not in ways that Some component such as Button() or Selectable() have explicit size overrides in their paragram. FontDataOwnedByAtlas set to false) and demo crashes with message: kNewFrameSanityChecks(): Assertion `g. cpp. 0) and is it a perfect value for the default font with the default sizes, but a different font would I can use like button text and have centered, but only one line and it cuts off. Omar. ini storage. Using an empty color block simply returns to the default color. incorporate r-lyeh's table variant from ocornut/imgui#513. A) First, integrated graphics drivers have limit on texture size on each axis. Vector<ImWchar> defaultranges; defaultranges. Plan and track work ("anotherfont. This is the main solution that a majority of apps would use. You can import the rbxm into any roblox project, and begin creating UI in any client side script. text ("Hello world") def main (): # Tell glfw to use a transparent application window, before running Hello ImGui if not glfw. I have tried many ways such as use Arial. You can cherry pick patch to ImGui & FreeType atlas builder that add ImFontConfig::Density support from my feature/hidpi-support branch. One could use freetype or what not to generate high quality shadows but I chose to just edit the glyph Yes of course you are supposed to scale font size and sizes with actual per-monitor scale, not with a fixed number (but you can also provide this option to the user if you like). The problem seems to be that the glyph is not included in the font. 72 update made a change to window font scale: Fixed old SetWindowFontScale() api value from not being inherited by child window. 0f. Here is the code that I got: // Setting the height value to disable the auto align axis ImGui::BeginChild ( "test child", ImVec2( 0. 72 Branch: master. So when I pass it into ImGui. You can add an "icon font" so that you can use normal ImGui::Button () to display the icons (because they are actually text characters). You should For context, I'm using a modified version of Thraka's fork of ImGui. This is how I'm doing it: I'm trying to calculate the text size of a wide string. In this description we will just concentrate on the methods and functions that are related to using different fonts. And that is what ImFontConfig::Density is for. However this frame-lag issue was very easy to handle for me. But according to GLFW's document. Open. ocornut / imgui Public. cpp). Done. ttf contains Chinese Characters, it's a very small font (~300 KB). The code supports 6-char colors (RGB), and 8-char colors (ARGB). Extensions. Image it should render the entire previous frame into the ImGui window. // create custom imgui settings. cpp: #include "includes. You signed out in another tab or window. Also, create another ModuleScript called "Themes" and put it inside "ImGui". To change your font, first open the Settings interface through Help -> Settings and open the Fonts tab. begin_popup_modal("A Dialog", flags=imgui. doesn't imply anti-aliased rasterizing. Fonts, imgui_freetype: Added support to render OpenType SVG fonts using lunasvg. I'm using the following code as wrappers to ImGui::BeginTooltip() and ImGui::EndTooltip() to make sure that tooltips always remain on-screen and unobscured by the mouse cursor. The icons are something like u5001. You can find the code here on PasteBin. ocornut commented on Dec 13, 2015. // - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple. Remember to handling WM_DPICHANGED message. My Issue/Question: My Image is replaced by Font Image,The image data seems to be read properly from the filesystem, since the box size is the correct one. No branches or pull requests. For the size it currently depends on the type of widget. This requires a custom mouse cursor (as simple as a circle is enough now) with the ability of size changing. We will load this image: (Right-click to save as MyImage01. glyph_ranges: custom_ranges, size_pixels: my_font_size, . The color of the close button is exposed in the style colors. I am trying to customize the appearance of ImGui and I found that while the Font structure has a DisplayOffset member which controls the global offset of a font, it can not be specified through the API. I've At the time of first creating a window with (0,0) size the window should automatically readjust to content size by gathering the maximum content frame over the next frame or two. Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(fontPath, sizePixels); I've been Valgrinding my code a bit and I've notice it seems that my font atlas is consuming about 130MB of memory, though I'm not sure if that's specifically good/bad. Actual textures are identified in a way that is up to the user/engine. 0f ), true); ImGui::BeginGroup (); rSixDroid commented on Apr 8, 2018. Carcodee opened this issue Mar 31, 2024 · 0 comments Comments. (*) My plan is to globally rewrite the size settings. You switched accounts on another tab or window. By debugging, I can see that the height is correct inside ImGui::EndChild; however, the height of the window does not change. For example, if I do ImGui::Text("Hello\nWorld"); I would like to control the spacing between the lines "Hello" and "World". ocornut mentioned this issue on Sep 15, 2016. Turns out AddFontFromMemoryTTF transfers the ownership of the data to imgui, which is a little surprising. ButtonTextAlign or use PushStyleVar (ImGuiStyleVar_ButtonTextAlign, ) ImVec2(0. *Widget can be drawn with two methods: with zero transparency (see It uses a font atlas to assemble multiple fonts into the same texture. StarterPlayer. Examples should show how to take into account high-dpi screen resolutions imgui @ocornut stb_truetype. Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma\\Tahoma Regular. However, lines and primitives produced by things like Separator or frames with corner rounding are blurry. Open Carcodee opened this issue Mar 31, 2024 · 0 comments Open Font descriptor set of the backend is always null #7458. There are some key points: The application must High DPI aware. This repository also enables you to get a feel of how easy it is to write ImGui applications by allowing you to write and run your own code in 3 minutes, without even downloading or installing anything: it runs on a dedicated cloud server on gitpod. Manipulating this style variable to set your widget size: ImVec2 size = /* your desired size */ ; ImGui::PushStyleVar (ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, size); // (your widget here) ImGui::PopStyleVar (); (Its just ~copy-paste of what imgui_draw. You signed in with another tab or window. (or get the module from here) Now in that one, we copy contents from Themes. Dirty but work. 0, 1. I have had some success with the other code ocornut commented on Jan 12, 2018. scale_factor (); let font_size = (13. lua and put it in there. init (): exit (1) glfw. Also, checkmark is custom and the color for checkbox border when mouse is over cannot be changed by Push/Pop calls. not set a value), it'd be an undefined behavior. JC3 mentioned this issue on Oct There's a few things involved. io_mut (). Heres a basic Example: local StarterPlayerScripts = game. cpp (or specify if using a custom engine/back-end) Compiler: msvc2019 Operating System: windows 10. It seems the Lumix Engine have done a quite intelligible work just save the dock's property to a Lua file, so I was just save the properties to the imgui. Widgets like Button () or Selectable () can take a size as parameter. On macOS, the visible windows and Use the font atlas to load the TTF/OTF file you want: ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); io. I resolved it by doing so. However, I don't know where to put them. Dear ImGui is NOT designed to create Font descriptor set of the backend is always null #7458. Copy link BlizzCrafter commented Apr 2, 2020. 0 / pixel_ratio;. e. So please move it to config 👍. I don't know if this is an issue on my end or the program itself. Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("myfontfile. 0 between the size of the FrameBuffer, and the size of the application window. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies - Releases · ocornut/imgui It's basically the back buffer. It should matter for FA5 Solid + FA5 Brand. I took the occasion to clean up a few related things I wanted to change. I am aware that whatever the solution, pasting becomes a problem when we allow for any buffer to change size. 60. 0 / hidpi_factor) as f32; Changing fonts. get_window_size(window) fb_w, fb_h = glfw. Essentially I have 10 font sizes, each 25% larger than the previous, in regular and bold variants ( so 20 altogether ). It clearly looks like the SDL_Renderer backend is rendering the fonts at half the size internally and upscaling by 2x, resulting in blurring and contrast loss. Possibly include a way to set the width/size of 1 or more items in advance without require a ocornut commented Apr 5, 2023. Seems like if I manually set numbers, then I change the font then all the widths will change which would be a pain. jpg, 20,123 I have an application that I am currently porting from NanoVG to ImGui. ocornut commented on Apr 26, 2021. After debugging a bit I've discovered that the problem lays in one line: You can specify a different size to some degree but the font ine height will always be based on the first font of a merged list. 👍 2. I am looking to figure out how I can change the color of the text displayed on the "Name" print, but I am pretty much clueless on how to do so. As that point we may draw inspiration from css/web headings and consider the possibility we would later provide several level of heading, where H1 to H3 are expected to be larger than current font size. My Issue/Question: I have already known how to set font size using "PushFont or PopFont", but I need to create font objects for different size. Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies - Issues · ocornut/imgui. y during layout. You can verify that with a tool like fontforge (which also allows you to edit the ttf font in case you need it!). ttf) Then, click on "File" > "Export" > "C#". My Issue/Question: Hi! I am trying to set a custom font for my window titles (following the sample in this issue), and ran into a crash in the process. PathogenDavid commented on Nov 2, 2023. cpp + imgui_impl_GL3. // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement. the font size 16 looks exactly the same on 100% and 200% scale. I call Build() exactly once after adding the font. Version/Branch of Dear ImGui: Version 1. Version: 1. Setting "font_size" option to some values in MangoHud. However, the ImGui uses ImWchar to accept each one of them as a wchar. Something like: style. When the auto-resize window flag is set and the system scaling is not 100%, the dialog size seems to be incorrect. 5f,0. Proggy font (the built-in one) is crisp, but it's essentially a bitmap font which. The docked windows cannot be undocked/closed, only their borders resized. Hello ! I've search to change the font in runtime, with functions like ImGui::PushFont. At the moment the correct workaround would be to do: ImFont* font = GetFont(); I was hoping that Dear Imgui would have a way to set the line height/spacing for the font, or some way to add more vertical margin. IO. There is only so much you can stray away from the default look and feel of the interface. cpp (or specify if using a custom engine/back-end) Operating System: Windows. Other font sizes are extremely blurry, even with adjusted font sizes. ocornut closed this as completed on Sep 25, 2016. It demonstrates all the widgets, together with an example code on how to use them. I just added this thing so you can do ImGui::SetNextItemWidth (ImGui::GetContentRegionMax (). The application allows for (an unlimited amount of) different text sections and each section can have a let hidpi_factor = display. If this gui can do it, somebody can tell me how to implment it. ttf) with same size float_wnd_set_imgui_font(ifdw_wnd, 7) If you have eight windows and you tell it you want font number 1 on window 8 it changes the font on window 1. g. Otherwise for anything else as you pointed you can use the IsItemXXX functions there's everything you need. The caveat is that it only works with some engines (godot for example), and it turns out that it doesn't display properly at imgui. ocornut added the gallery label on Aug 5, 2017. 65f); // slider will always be 400 pixel wide Don't use the 5 parameters version of Begin() which is marked as obsolete. However, on Mac OS the window of glfw is by default already scaled, so if I scale the fonts, then I get this: One quick solution would be to not scale the font at all, but then I obtain text that is at the correct scale, but blurry: Then I noticed, my God, I need to push/pop these! Both for generated and hard-coded parts of the ui! True horror! (:p) So I wanted to ask if I was missing something and if there is a war to change fonts of elements from stylesheet. That way whenever the font was used, it would have the desired spacing. Plan and track work Discussions. y * 2. The size is based on the title bar height. I do that like Image Display Sample. Widget sizes are generally calculated with the FramePadding style variable. you can use SetCursorX to change the X position. // - If the file I've found a very subtle bug with ImGui::TextWrapped and ImGui::CalcTextSize producing slightly different results that causes the end character of a string to wrap - so far I've managed to reproduce it 100% with a single specific font at a specific size, but I have the feeling that this affects more than just my one font. So here the default font is 13 and 16 for the icon is alright, but if you use 30 icons it won't fit. x) if you want to do the default behaviour or just set the ImGui::SetNextItemWidth (x). I firstly use this amazing ImGui for my game, but i want to make the display of the text more beautifully. @ocornut: Hi, I'm sorry in advance if I've got no ready to use code at the moment However, I'm checking this commit: 531c11d and this issue: Flix01#32 The problem is that now Lumix Engine's docking does not display text in its tabs. First step is to generate shadows in your glyph atlas. Copy link Carcodee commented Mar 31, 2024. Can this gui support to change the font style to display? Something like set the border and some shallow for font and so on. Tip. (maybe it is So, this solution works fine on windows, and my fonts are not blurry and are correctly scaled. In the second I simplified the code for that example to just directly load the image from embedded resources and pass a pointer directly to ImGui. ImGui::Text("hello 菜单 在哪里文件我是中文a"); ImGui::Text("hello 菜单 在哪 里文件 I want to change the default font, but it doesn't mean that I know how the whole ImGui and DirectX work. OpenGL. Instead use SetNextWindowSize(). Still, I need to change ImGUI font in For examle I changed default font to windows Consola ( C:\Windows\Fonts\Consola. I think this is the result of line height being a fraction of a pixel, so successive lines are displaced Problem 2. This doesn't happen if there's no border around the child. Back-end file/Renderer/OS: Windows 10 Direct3D 11. @JC3 The method is pretty simple, you could pretty easily reimplement it in Python: imgui/imgui. Here's how it's used, using " {" and "}" to mark colors: Hello, Thank you for the great work you put into this addon. Height: ImGui::GetFontSize() + style. 17+, all ImGUI text output is very blurry compared to when using the OpenGL 2 backend. ocornut closed this as completed on Jan 12, 2018. fonts[buttons] = fontItalic16p; ocornut commented on Sep 25, 2016. jt wq fl pd sm aw bo fg pt tq